Kinetischer Ring RK SDRR
Knuckle Bandit
partiell schwarz carbon-beschichtet
kinetic gambling ring RK SDRR, 2012
silver, partially black carbon coated, stainless steel, enamel
This kinetic ring is specially created for the competition and exhibition project entitled:
Sex, Drugs & Rock ’n’ Roll - Vices or Lifestyle?
A concept from Heidemarie Herb and Luigi Mariani.
Dante Alighieri (1265—1321), the great Italian poet of the late Middle Ages, referred to lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath,
envy and pride as deadly sins. We wanted to find out what jewelry artists think about vices and lifestyle in our day and
age and asked them to illustrate, using their medium, the ideas associated in the past with sin and vice.
Made like a classic one-handed-bandit with three revolving reels. Invisible, within every reel, turns freely one steel ball –
causing a (nearly) random and definite position of one of the four sides of the reel after coming to rest.
Framed by the old ancient 7 vices - I play with the classic 3 modern vices - sex, drugs & rock’n roll - to pay “hommage” to
the symbol of compulsive gambling – the one-handed-bandit with his 3 red “lucky” sevens.
Converted to a kinetic gambling ring, you are not forced to visit the next casino – just keep on gambling on your finger –
whoever, wherever you are - all day long...
Werkschau S. Winkler, Kempten 28/09/- 12/10/2012
Galleria 42 Contemporaneo, Modena 3/11-29/11/2012
Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau 5/7-18/8/2013
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